Character Development through Arts
Arts Education contributes to the development of thinking, social and motivational skills that are considered basic for success in school, work and life. These fundamental skills encompass a wide range of capacities of the mind, self-perceptions and social relationships.
Thinking skills broadly refer to the operation of various thought processes. Reasoning ability, intuition, perception, imagination, inventiveness, creativity, problem-solving skills and expression. It also promotes growth in positive social skills, including self-confidence, self-control, conflict resolution, collaboration, empathy and social tolerance. Last but not least, arts nurture a motivation to learn by emphasizing active engagement and participation, disciplined and sustained attention, persistence and risk taking.
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Empowerment through Theatre
Theatre, a powerful medium to engage young people to become self reflective, socially confident and responsible. This programme uses drama to impart life skills - communication, connection, co-operation and creativity. It is an ideal programme for students with or without acting experience. Through our syllabus covering acting techniques, improvisation and character study, students will learn about essential life skills - thinking, social and motivational skills.

Free Your Voice
Singing has been widely known as an art of communication and expression across cultures. This workshop is designed to help students with little or no experience to get the most out of the instrument they are born with - their voice. The syllabus consists of vocal technique and interpretation, which works on breathing, range development, vocal strength, flexibility, intonation and tonal quality.

Young Creator Workshop
A taster workshop (3 to 5 sessions) to excite and cultivate interest of arts making and impart creative tools to young aspiring artists. This programme provides an opportunity for students to explore the know-how of arts making through drama, dance and music at a introductory novice level. It is an ideal programme for everyone, students who have been actively engaged in their schools’ theatre/dance/music groups, or students with little or no acting, dancing or musical experience.